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McGraw on, 114
and New York of the Roaring Twenties, 95
photograph of, 208
as “Sultan of Swat,” 208, 210
salaries, 153
Saranac Lake, 216–19, 223
Savannah, 64, 65
scalpers, 179
scoreboards, electric, 179
“senior circuit,” 44
Series, 107
Seybold, Socks, 119
Seymour, Cy, 147
Shaw, George Bernard, 211
Shibe Park, 154, 167, 190
Sindall, James, 92, 93
Sloan, Tod, 152
Sloppy Joe’s, 80, 171
Smith, Earl, 159
Smith, Heinie, 51, 52
Smith, Jennie, 179
Smith, “Phenomenal John,” 37–38
Smokey (trainer), 159
Snodgrass, Fred “Snow,” 165, 182, 184–88, 191
death, 188
photograph of, 186
soccer, 15
Solomon, Burt, 86
Solomon, Mark, 99
Sons of Erin, 19
Spanish-American War, 17
Speaker, Tris (“Grey Eagle”), 114, 184
Sporting News, 15
baseball compared with other, 12–15
favored individual spectator, 14–15
professional, 58
sports heroes, 209–10, 221–22
sportsmanship, 51, 110
St. Louis, 9, 32, 47
St. Louis Brown Stockings, 16. See also Von der Ahe
St. Louis Cardinals, 5, 8, 10
Stahl, Jake, 182–84
Steinfeldt, Harry, 109
Stengel, Charles Dillon “Casey,” 156, 199
Stoughton, Jane, 39
Strang, Sammy, 155
Stratemeyer, Edward, 128
strikeouts, 41
Sullivan, John L., 19, 112
Sullivan, Mark, 11, 91
“syndicate baseball,” 17
Taft, William Howard, 153–54
“Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” 50, 102
Tammany, 56, 63
“Tammany Hall team,” 4
Taunton, Massachusetts, 38
Taylor, Dummy, 69–71, 105, 106, 173, 210
Tebeau, Oliver Wendell “Patsy,” 8
Ten-Minute Club, 31
Tenney, Fred, 31, 139
Terry, Bill, 213, 214
Terry, Umpire, 8
Tesreau, Jeff, 180, 187
Thayer, Ernest, 49, 50
Thomson, Bobby, 103, 145
Thorpe, Jim, 14, 37, 157
Three-Fingered. See Brown, Mordecai Peter Centennial
Tilden, Big Bill, 210
Tilzer, Albert Von, 50
Times Square, electric scoreboard in, 179
Tinker, Joe, 147
Tokohama, Chief, 99
Treadway, George, 23
Troy Haymakers, 103
Truxton, 76, 80, 81, 86
tuberculosis (TB), 198, 216
Tulsa, Oklahoma, 201
“turn at bat,” 12
Tuxedo cigarettes, 131
umpires, 28, 53, 87, 89, 168, 192
McGraw and, 28, 87, 89, 109, 168–69, 192
Uneeda, 101
Union Park, 27
United States. See also under specific baseball; specific topics
in 1890s, 90–91
at turn of twentieth century, 11, 12, 47–48
Vanderbilt Cup, 120
vendors, 101, 102
violence, 4, 17, 46, 53, 107–8, 157. See also specific individuals
Von der Ahe, Christian Frederick Wilhelm (“Der Boss President”), 16, 29
Waddell, Rube, 116
Wagner, Honus (“Flying Dutchman”), 114, 115
Wallace, Mike, 13
Ward, John Montgomery, 26–27
Washington Inn, 178
Washington Park, 3, 107, 154
Washington Senators, 41, 153, 213
Weaver, Earl, 67
Wellsville, 79
Western League, 31, 43
Western New York League, 79
Wheeler, John, 129, 165
Wilson, Woodrow, 200
Wiltse, Hooks, 146, 147, 190
Wood, “Smokey Joe,” 180, 183, 184
World Series, 107
of 1903, 14
of 1905, 15, 111, 116–22, 125
of 1911, 154–55, 161–69
of 1912, 179–88
of 1913, 189–91
of 1917, 199
of 1919, 116
of 1921, 114
of 1924, 218–19
teams who lost three years in a row, 160, 191
World War I, 194, 199–205
World’s Champions jersey, 126
World’s Championship Series, 107, 112, 214
World’s Series, 107
Wrenn, Robert, 131
Wrigley Field, 154
Yardley, Jonathan, 58
Yerkes, Steve, 184
YMCA game, 78
Young, Cy, 221–22
Young, Rida Johnson, 130
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